National Tree Week takes place from 29 November to 7 December. Running since 1975 it is the UK’s largest event celebrating trees! It also gives us a great excuse to get out and about and be active!

Tree 1

During winter the temptation is to turn the heating on, cuddle up on the sofa and hibernate for a few months. Even if you haven’t done much exercise for a while – don’t put it off until spring.

Doing a bit of exercise ensures that you:

  • Release those endorphins – making you feel happier and less stressed.
  • Combat the effects of all the darkness during the winter months and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  • Boost your immune system
  • Help aid your digestion and stop your gut feeling sluggish.

Love Your Gut expert and personal trainer Sophie Christy also provides us with advice on how to keep active without really noticing it.  She tells us all to remember our VEST!

V = Vary your exercise.

E = Everyday routines can include exercise.

S = Step to it and check your exercise rates with a pedometer.

T = Thirty minutes, five times a week.

See her advice here:

Doing exercise doesn’t mean you have to pay out lots of money and join a gym – fine if that’s for you, however, if it isn’t – find something you enjoy doing like walking, playing football, exercising your neighbour’s dog or try your local outdoor gym – if there is one in a park near you – and simply get out there.  Start slowly and build it up. Don’t be put off by other peoples’ goals – set your own and have fun.

So, even if you don’t get to plant a tree this year, you can always take a walk in the woods or your local park and experience our wonderful winter landscape.

Note: If you haven’t exercised for some time you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.


National Tree Week:

NHS – Exercise: Getting Started: